WRAP urges government to ban plastic packaging for fresh produce

WRAP urges government to ban plastic packaging for fresh produce


WRAP has suggested that the UK government explore restrictions on packaging for uncut fresh fruits and vegetables sold at retail. This proposal aims to reduce household food waste, minimise single-use packaging, and lower associated carbon emissions.

Fresh produce, particularly fruit and vegetables, accounts for a significant portion of household food waste in the UK. Additionally, most fresh produce is packed in single-use plastic, with around 70,000 tonnes of it being used annually. While plastic packaging is efficient, its environmental impact, especially when not properly disposed of, remains a pressing issue.

WRAP has worked with the industry through its "Pathway to Selling More Uncut Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Loose" initiative, aiming for 50% of uncut produce sales to be sold loose by 2030. Despite these efforts, challenges exist in transitioning to a mostly loose produce system. As a result, WRAP, alongside Courtauld 2030 and the UK Plastics Pact, believes policy intervention is necessary to create a level playing field for the industry.

To address these challenges, WRAP has collaborated with the cross-party think tank, Policy Connect, to explore possible policy options. WRAP is now recommending that the government consider a phased ban on primary packaging for 21 types of uncut fresh fruit and vegetables identified through WRAP’s research, with certain exemptions and considerations in place. These recommendations could help accelerate the industry’s progress towards selling more loose fresh produce and contribute to broader sustainability goals.

Rob Percival, Head of Policy (Food and Health),The Soil Association, said: There’s no doubt that phasing out packaging for fresh produce will be complex, and WRAP has rightly suggested a phased approach with attention given to product lines that require differentiation for the purposes of certification, but the case for action is now overwhelming.

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