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Buy and sell new and used packaging and converting equipment for FREE

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Jenton buy and sell new and used packaging and converting equipment

Latest Packaging News

Aopack BM3000-HD box maker machine installation at Qingyuan Guangdong
Supplier News

Aopack BM3000-HD box maker machine installation at Qingyuan Guangdong

Qingyuan ZH Packaging is located in Qingyuan, Guangdong Province, China. We just finished the...
Not all tethered closures are equal: Consumer satisfaction is key to success
Supplier News

Not all tethered closures are equal: Consumer satisfaction is key to success

Focusing on the end-user experience is essential to ensure consumer buy-in. This article was...
Canada takes action on ‘forever chemicals’ in consumer products and packaging

Canada takes action on ‘forever chemicals’ in consumer products and packaging

The Canadian government is introducing new measures to limit the potential risks of per- and...
US apparel industry pushes for digital care labels

US apparel industry pushes for digital care labels

The American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) has petitioned the Federal Trade Commission...
Orkla Suomi trials paper-based packaging for Panda Milk chocolate

Orkla Suomi trials paper-based packaging for Panda Milk chocolate

Orkla Suomi has introduced a paper-based packaging alternative for its Panda Milk Chocolate bars,...