U.S. FDA upholds denial on chemicals used in food packaging

U.S. FDA upholds denial on chemicals used in food packaging


The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reaffirmed its decision to deny a petition seeking a ban on certain chemicals used in plastic for food packaging. The agency recently reviewed the citizen petition, which urged a reconsideration of its initial denial in May of the previous year.

The petition had specifically requested the FDA to ban the use of eight ortho-phthalates and revoke the prior sanctioned uses for five ortho-phthalates in food packaging due to alleged safety concerns. Ortho-phthalates, commonly known as phthalates, are chemicals utilised in plastic products to enhance their durability.

At present, the FDA permits the use of nine phthalates in the production of plastics for food packaging.

After careful reevaluation, the FDA has chosen to maintain its original decision and uphold the denial of the petition. The decision comes after a "thorough and comprehensive examination of the relevant data and scientific evidence".

U.S. flag credit nick fullerton
U.S. flag © nick fullerton (CC BY 2.0)

The FDA says it remains committed to ensuring the safety and quality of food packaging materials while considering the latest research and emerging information on chemicals used in such products.

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