CPA - The Association for Contract Packagers and Manufacturers

Make Enquiry
12930 Worldgate Drive, Suite 200, Herndon, VA 20170 USA
+1 571 287 6818


Established in 1992, The Association for Contract Packagers and Manufacturers (CPA) is a national not-for-profit organisation for the contract packaging industry in the U.S. CPA was set up for companies involved in contract packaging with the aim of promoting the growth and well-being of its members.

CPA objectives

CPA serves the contract packaging industry and aims to:

  • Form high ethical standards among contract packers and clients
  • Improve knowledge and expertise within the contract packaging industry
  • Crate high, respectable reputations of businesses and individuals
  • Advocate the use of efficient contract packaging

CPA members

Members of The Association for Contract Packagers and Manufacturers are comprised of the nation's major contract packagers, from the easiest to the most complex solutions. From manual and semi-automatic to full-speed, high performance packaging lines, CPA members of an extremely wide variety of packaging services.

By joining CPA members gain access to first-class business development support, best practices and expertise as well as the latest developments and insights from the industry.

CPA member benefits:

  • Business growth
  • Training and education
  • Member marketing opportunities
  • Networking
  • Programmes

Latest CPA - The Association for Contract Packagers and Manufacturers News

CPA and ECPA join forces to expand supply chain opportunities

CPA and ECPA join forces to expand supply chain opportunities

Capitalising on the success of CPA's Request for Quote (RFQ) tool, global brands now have...

Latest Packaging News

Amazon pilots bio-based bags for grocery deliveries in Spain

Amazon pilots bio-based bags for grocery deliveries in Spain

Amazon has introduced bio-based bags made from vegetable-derived materials for grocery deliveries...
FDA proposes front-of-pack nutrition labels for packaged foods

FDA proposes front-of-pack nutrition labels for packaged foods

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed a new requirement for front-of-package...
Sweden increases deposit rates for PET bottles and aluminium cans

Sweden increases deposit rates for PET bottles and aluminium cans

Sweden is set to raise the deposit on PET bottles and aluminium beverage cans this year to...
Waitrose launches fresh fish range in oven-ready paper parcels

Waitrose launches fresh fish range in oven-ready paper parcels

Waitrose has unveiled a new "En Papillote" fresh fish range, showcasing innovative packaging...
Belgium enforces stricter packaging waste regulations for businesses

Belgium enforces stricter packaging waste regulations for businesses

Belgium has introduced stricter packaging waste regulations, requiring businesses to comply with...