Afag Engineering GmbH sells design services site
Supplier News
Afag Engineering GmbH has sold its design services site in Welzheim, Germany to cross-ING AG of Winterthur, Switzerland, with effect from 01.10.2022.
Afag Engineering GmbH has sold its engineering services site in Welzheim, Germany to cross-ING AG, Winterthur in Switzerland as of 01.10.2022. cross-ING will continue and expand its broad range of knowledge in the field of engineering services at the Welzheim site.
With its Solutions division at the previous location in Laichingen, Afag Engineering will continue to be a provider for turnkey projects and a development partner for automation solutions.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our team in Laichingen.
This article was originally published by Afag.