British Plastics Federation (BPF)

Make Enquiry
BPF House, 6 Bath Place, Rivington Street, EC2A 3JE, United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 74575000


Founded in 1933, the British Plastics Federation (BPF) serves as the UK trade association for the plastics industry. It has grown to become one of the country's leading organisations, offering access to a wide range of services and resources designed to help businesses succeed in the industry. These include technical and regulatory support, industry research and data, and networking opportunities across the entire industry.

BPF members

With a membership of over 500 companies, including plastics recyclers, polymer suppliers and distributors, additive suppliers, service providers, plastics processors, packaging manufacturers, equipment suppliers, and more, the BPF represents over 80% of the UK plastics industry by turnover.

If you're seeking to stay up-to-date on industry developments, access expertise and support, demonstrate your commitment to professional standards and ethical practices within the industry, have your concerns heard by key government officials, and build relationships with other professionals in the field, BPF membership is the right choice for you.

BPF Plastics and Flexible Packaging Group

The BPF Plastics and Flexible Packaging Group, a dynamic subgroup of the BPF, represents UK manufacturers of a wide range of plastic packaging, including primary, secondary, and tertiary packaging such as flexible pouches, films, bags, pots, tubs, trays, bottles, drums, boxes, cups, caps, and tubes. The group serves as a reputable and trustworthy advocate for its members, engaging with the general public, the media, government (both in the UK and internationally), researchers, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).

With a membership comprising industry leaders with a proven track record of delivering reliable services and adhering to the highest possible standards, the group is well-respected and recognised for its expertise in the field.

Latest British Plastics Federation (BPF) News

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