Viscose Closures: expanding for success

Viscose Closures: expanding for success

Supplier News

Spring is in the air and it’s the season for new beginnings with some exciting developments and changes happening at our Swansea headquarters this month!

We are all feeling the effects of the cost-of-living crisis with increasing energy costs being a key challenge in 2023. As a result, we are constantly challenging ourselves to find better ways of working to maintain our value for money service.

Until recently we stored our distributed products at a 3rd party warehouse but no longer! With a £15,000 investment placed on this project, our goal is to unite our manufactured and distribution business units, leading to increased efficiencies as well as providing job security for our valued workforce during these difficult economic times. Agility and flexibility are key during these challenging times and with UK storage space at a premium this investment couldn’t have come at a better time.

Alongside our commitment to continuous improvement and job certainty for our staff, storing our closures in Viscose HQ will enable us to offer a one-stop shop solution for all your tamper evident and tamper proof needs.

Our stores team have worked tirelessly to create 150+ additional pallet spaces to safely stow our closures which include:

  • ROPPs
  • GPI
  • T-stoppers
  • Corks
  • 1810 flat plastic caps

These primary closures will now sit together with our secondary seals from tamper evident heat shrink bands made from PET/PLA/PVC to our unique self-shrinking, biodegradable, home compostable Cellulose bands.

Stephen Armstrong (Head of Operations) and Oliver Meadows (Warehouse Coordinator) hard at work stacking pallets

Whatever your tamper evident need be it sealing sauces, tamper-proofing tipples or protecting pharmaceuticals Viscose is here to help you.

Our upgraded warehousing facility will go-live from end of April 2023, and we look forward to this exciting new chapter!

This article was originally published by Viscose Closures.

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