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FUJI PACKAGING Gmbh, Kattjahren 8, D-22359 Hamburg, Germany
+49 40 480 611 0

Flow wrapping machines

FUJI PACKAGING is an industry leader in flow wrapping machines for food, medical equipment & non-food items. Recyclable packaging plays a key role for us, as our customers have to meet the increasing convenience demands of consumers as well as requests for more sustainability. Packaging design, machine functionality and energy-efficiency are in harmony even at high performance.

FUJI Machinery looks back on a long history of building flow wrapping machines and now employs 750 people, of which 100 are constructors and engineers.

Horizontal form, fill and seal machines

For over 40 years, we have been supplying horizontal form, fill and seal machines, the FUJI α wrapper from the world market leader FUJI Machinery in Japan to our customers in the food, pharmaceutical and non-food industries. Our main goal: to offer product- and customer-specific packaging solutions.

Horizontal form fill and seal bags or flowpacks are among the most common types of packaging. The individual and modular design of the format flexible FUJI form fill and seal machines offers solutions for almost every application.

The form fill and seal machine consists of 3 modules:

  • Infeed (chain or belt)
  • Center seal unit (top, bottom, side or 4 sides)
  • End seal unit (box motion or rotating)

The model differentiation is based on the centre sealing. Film feeding from the top is the most common version of flowpack machines for a wide range of products in all markets.

Individual infeed systems

We offer a wide range of individual infeed systems. Always customised to your requirements. We will discuss the interface with you personally. From full automation from the output of the production process, e.g. cooling tunnel, to systems to facilitate manual infeed. Additionally, we offer systems for separating and turning products before the primary packaging or systems for product pooling e.g. for multipacks.

In the case of single-lane product flows, the final task of the infeed is feeding the products into the flow wrapping machine. We focus on 2 systems for this purpose, although other solutions can of course also be offered depending on the application.

Custom-made flow wrapping machines

As a flow wrapping machine specialist FUJI PACKAGING will develop wrapping solutions here on site with you, taking into account the rising demand for convenience of consumers.

The result is always a custom-made complete solution. A wrapping line, which you prepare "live" with original products in our technical centre testing functions and for your production everyday life.


Sustainable FUJI flow wrapping machine for minced meat prevails
Supplier News

Sustainable FUJI flow wrapping machine for minced meat prevails

FUJI alpha wrapper is the world-wide fastest wrapping machine 70% film material savings and...


FUJI PACKAGING individual infeed systems
FUJI PACKAGING individual infeed systems
FUJI PACKAGING high speed wrapping machine
FUJI PACKAGING high speed wrapping machine
FUJI PACKAGING alpha wrapper 8 from above
FUJI PACKAGING alpha wrapper 8 from above
FUJI PACKAGING machines CX u VX II Foil from below
FUJI PACKAGING machines CX u VX II Foil from below


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